Stott - Serendipity & Household

Catalogue No: CAZCM2KRS01
ArrangementPiano Quintet
Product FormatSheet Music
Printed on demand, typically dispatched in 3-4 weeks

Rachel Stott's Serendipity And Household for Piano Quintet.

Serendipity And Household Objects grew out of various sound experiments I made together with violin and viola pupils I was teaching at the time. The ideawas to find some extended timbral possibilities of the children’s instruments using only such objects as one might reasonably expect to find around the house a comb or ruler, empty yoghurt pot, cutlery, pieces of paper,chopsticks rather along the lines of the television programme ‘the great egg race’ which I used to enjoy as a child.

The word ‘serendipty’ (‘the happy knack of making unexpected and delightful discoveries by accident’ Cassell Concise Dictionary) describes the way the finding of the sounds led to musical ideas.

A curious point some of the sounds actually work better on basic level children’s instruments than professional quality ones. Don’twaste this piece on a strad…or vice versa. - Rachel Stott

Commissioned by Jean Horsfall

Cadenza Music